The End is Near: Summer Vacation Comes to an End

This summer has been AWESOME! One of the best things about being a teacher is the ability to have the summers off. I get to travel, sleep in till 9 every day and do anything I want (or nothing on some days) for two whole months. It’s truly fantastic. But all good things must come to end.

Thank God I have the best job in the world to go back to. I teach photography to high schoolers, so on the first day of school I get to meet 180 new kids who I will be able to share my greatest passion with. Some teachers give the mean face all of first semesster, but from day one, I am my happy self and try to give the kids the love and respect they deserve and for some, so desperately need.

So good bye to swimming in the middle of the afternoon. C’est la vie, to spontaneous travel days. And bye bye to hours of reading on the couch. But hello to new students I get to inspire! Hola to routine and getting things done. Whad up to a paycheck again.

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  • JaquelineAugust 19, 2010 - 11:33 am

    I want to go back some days and be in your class again. I miss it! It got me through high school. Being in the darkroom made me want to go to school everyday. =( I wish I could be one of your students again.

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