What to Wear Friday: Seniors

In high school I was the girl who never wore a skirt and didn’t discover how to dress feminine until college. I actually found out about dresses and pretty clothes while backpacking thru Europe the summer after graduation. I remember seeing all the beautiful woman dressed in finely made clothes and gorgeous leather shoes. They were so elegant, well put together and just oozed style.

My blue jeans and Vans screamed American, so I started stuffing my backpack with cute summer dresses and adorable capris. Most of the clothes I bought were from H&M, because at the time we didn’t have that store back in the states or anything like it for that matter. So fast forward to 2011 and my closet is now filled with dresses, from pretty much three places H&M, Forever 21 and the good ole thrift store. You can put together this adorable outfit by visiting your local Forever 21.

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  • KatieJanuary 21, 2011 - 10:22 am

    You’re just like me. I was completely a t-shirt and jeans girl probably until around my sophomore year of college. I had no real fashion sense. Then something snapped (maybe it’s because I now work in the Entertainment industry) and I’m all about it.

    THIS outfit is ADORABLE. I seriously want to go to Forever 21 and recreate it. I just might this weekend!

  • Katie NealJanuary 21, 2011 - 11:37 am

    LOVE this Amber! So fun! I think I may just have to go buy the whole outfit?!

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