The Way I Move

I LOVE to exercise. I love to move. When I am stressed out, there is nothing better than a good workout.

Growing up I tried almost every sport, from gymnastics to ice skating, and I was never really good at any of them. I was the smart kid and my brother got all the athletic genes. It wasn’t until I  started swimming regularly about five years ago, did I realize that I was actually good at something. I typically swim 2000 yards twice a week, with a mixture of all the different strokes. When I am done, I treat myself to a little jacuzzi time and a good 10 minutes in the eucalyptus sauna. Since joining Gold’s Gym in Fullerton, I love to swim even that much more because of all the pampering after.

Since moving to Fullerton, I have taken up running. I have always wanted to be a runner, but was never quite able to run for more than a mile with out getting shin splints. As it turns out, I was wearing crappy shoes and after a visit to the Snail’s Pace in Brea, I got set up with awesome running shoes that allow me to run for what feels like forever with no pain. I run twice a week and typically go for four miles, but my goal is slowly increase it to six. The best part, is I run on gorgeous nature trails that take me out of the city and put me in touch with creation. It also helps that I run with one of best friends Steph…you forget that you are running when jabbering about life.

But something that has always come naturally to me is yoga. I actually grew up practicing it with my mom since I was a little girl, so it is very much a part of who I am. I became serious about doing yoga when I lived in Silverlake and went five times a week at Urth Yoga. Since we moved to the OC, it has been hard to find a place that compared to my old studio. But Freeman Yoga, which is right down the street from my house, has now become my home for yoga, at least for the next year.

So that’s what I do to stay sane between teaching photo, having my photo biz and trying to be a good wife.

Amber Fox Photographer, Cross Training

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  • GailAugust 24, 2011 - 1:34 pm

    Oh man…another reason I want to be your neighbor in Fullerton? So we can run those trails together every day! Oh, and you could teach me how to PROPERLY swim. Because I’m HORRIBLE!


  • shannon leithNovember 8, 2011 - 3:36 pm

    amber! kurt simonson told me about you today, and i love that you love yoga! me too!!!! i ALSO love that you do beloved sessions. me too! i also love that your husband works in torrey. i was in torrey! i also love that you are optimistic and love yellow. Me, too. 🙂 love what you’re up to. it was so encouraging to see your work 🙂

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