My Grandparents Celebrate 70 Years of Marriage

Today my grandparents celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary! The Queen sent a personal note of congratulations to my sweet British grandparents this very morning by special delivery. Oh so, Downton Abbey the whole story is.

My grandparents met during the beginnings of WWII. My grandmother or nan, as I sometimes call her, was a kitchen maid in a grand manor and my grand dad a builder. They met, fell in love and built a life for themselves. They had 5 children, who all grew up to have kids of their own. Despite having to raise kids in post war England, they did it and their marriage thrived. 70 years later, they are still together and taking care of each other.

I grew up going to England and visiting the relatives. I have fond memories of my grandmother making me an American style breakfast, peanut butter on toast. Going to the pub with my cousins when I was in high school and spending at least a week at my Aunts in the countryside ever summer when I was in college, are some of my favorite memories growing up. Even though they lived oceans away, I felt like I knew my family. Since I have been married, it’s harder to get the money together for 2 tickets to jolly ole England, but once we have our kiddos, we plan on making the trek out there.

The photo below was shot at my cousin’s wedding, incidentally the first wedding I ever photographed. My mother hates this picture, but for me, I see a strong woman, one who had to take care of her family despite all the hard ships that stood before her family. I see the soft touches of my grandmother’s elegance, with the flower broach pined upon her wedding attire. And then I see my dear old grand dad, who is one of the sweetest gentleman you will ever meet, just enjoying the party and taking it all in.

 Amber Fox Photographer

Thanks for showing me that marriage does stand the test of time! Cheers to 70 years!


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  • Derek FrenzelFebruary 7, 2012 - 8:19 pm

    1) Your grandparents look Bad A__ in this pic! 🙂

    2) What an amazing testament to marriage! God bless them!

  • TrudeFebruary 8, 2012 - 8:15 am

    Wow congratulations to them!! And such a great story. I know the feeling, I grew up visiting family in Norway and it’s an amazing thing to have family in another country. 🙂

  • Katy ElseFebruary 17, 2012 - 11:20 am

    Hey Cuz, That is really nice 🙂 A great lil testimony and I love the Picture, really does capture them well!! Hope you are well xxx

  • GailMarch 2, 2012 - 8:36 am

    Happy anniversary to them! I love this shot above! It looks like it’s from a Vanity Fair or something 😉 And I love your English roots. You know me, Anglophile that I am, I can’t help but be jealous!

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