Seniorologie: My Boys Want Me To Go

I am a big follower of the blog Seniorologie. It’s a blogsite that is dedicated to senior portrait photography, so it’s right up my alley. I have even been featured on it here and here. But in April, they are having a workshop with some of my favorite senior portrait photographers and I REALLY want to go.

In order to win a FREE seat to the workshop, they are having a contest of who could submit the best video telling the world why they want to go and it had to make sure to show off the maker’s personality. Wanting to think outside the box, I thought it would be fun to involve my little actors. After all, they do have experience with being on a Hollywood set.

I am sure you can all imagine how much I would LOVE to go to such a workshop. I would be able to learn from some of my favorite photogs in the industry. Michelle Moore, Sarah Lane, Meg Borders, Courtney DeLaura, and Leslie Kerrigan will all be teaching different aspects of the biz and I know from being there I would really be able to learn a lot. Plus this momma NEEDS a vacation.

So without further ado, here is the video! And on January 7th, head on over to the Seniorologie blog and vote for my video, so I could WIN!

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