Orange County Lifestyle Session: Fashion Stylist for Lu La Roe

Jen is a stylist and distributor of Lu La Roe clothing. Lots of people sell LLR, but Jen is a queen of style and makes mommas look not just cute, but stylish in all they wear. She has an incredible talent of choosing the cutest accessories to go alongside her outfits, that she can make anyone look like the most styled girl in the room. So when we went to the The LAB Anti-Mall in Costa Mesa, Jen looked like a professional model in her darling 70’s outfit and Lu La Roe pieces. And she is a momma of two little girls, which is wild!

Lifestyle photo sessions are fun to do, because as a momma you are often behind the camera taking shots of your family. We don’t have enough photos of ourselves and images for our kids to remember US. So lets change that! With every session of mine, the girl or momma, gets their hair and makeup done and we have FUN in front of the camera. When is the last time you went to a fancy salon to get your hair and makeup professionally done? Your wedding? That was SO LONG AGO! Lets make it NOW. Lets get you feeling beautiful.

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